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The Inside War


Turn based self-made game of strategy, which reproduces the evolutionary war between different bacteria colonies that tries to survive and infect an host body. Game for 2, up to 6, players from 12 to 90 years old.
Game requires half hour, up to 2 hours, of playng time, depending on number of players.
Almost all items required can be printed from pdf format file (up to 18 Mb) which will be sent by email attachment, to address found in Paypal payment notification, in 24 hours from on line payment.


Each player starts the game with one, up to three, counters which represent an aggregation of bacteria, he has to try to make them survive and reproduce in a fluid environment (for example the organic fluid, inside any kind of venules, of a more complex organism) in antagonism with other colonies of bacteria, in order to try to increase their evolution level and make them to expand in the environment more than other players can do.
Game ends in 30 turns, each one represents a fraction of time necessary to carry on several mutations of the colonies of the bacteria represented by unit counters of the game.
In course of game players can respectly develop different evolutionary strategies for their bacteria, in order to make them more dangerous, aggressive, resistant, quick… than others.
In course of game, random events may happen which are able to favor or damage the life of a determinate types of bacterium or its evolution. Anyway the game ends when only a single type of bacterium remains on the mapboard and the owner player is the winner, or when a player have at least an unit in each of six zones of the mapboard.

  Vai alla descrizione particolareggiata delle regole del gioco 'La Guerra Interna'

Pdf format file includes all following items to print:
Rulebook (7 pages);
- Mapboard raffiguring the intern view of a venule;
- 6 colored cards which list characteristics of six different bacteria types;
- 6 colored series of 32 counters which rapresent bacteria colonies;
- 1 deck of 54 flux event cards.

Other required items not included:
- 2 six faced dice;
- 32 pins to mark characteristics on the bacteria cards.

  This game is created by Angelo Castiglioni, all rights are reserved, content may not be reproduced, sold, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of Angelo Antonio Maurizio Castiglioni.
All uploaded files are licensed for use only in order to be able to print a single copy of rulebook and graphic items required for realization of the game that has been paid for.

Because .pdf files that are attached to emails are saved in the receiving computer, after they are sent, if no 'mail delivery message' error cames back from destination mailbox or I.S.P., messages and files are considered as received and no refund will be admitted, eventually further send can be done, but only in case the buyer has erased or lost the file he has paid for.
If you have questions please write to  Castiglioni Angelo , you'll get answer in 24 hours.